Divorce and Family Law
Let us help with difficult family situations.
If you are contemplating a divorce, or face another difficult issue involving family law - such as a child custody matter or domestic violence - our firm offers experienced and compassionate guidance and representation.
We believe that our attorneys' diverse experience in several fields of law is a unique advantage when it comes to handling family matters. Family law is a broad area, and it is common for cases to involve issues related to real estate, tort law, contract law, estate planning, and even employment law.
And legal strategy can play a vital role in a case's outcome. Many family cases call for a "soft touch", with the goal of reaching an amicable resolution that can hopefully bring some emotional closure to the parties. Other cases demand a more aggressive approach, including a willingness to take the case to trial to attempt to achieve the most favorable result.
Whatever approach your matter requires, we will zealously represent your interests within the bounds of the law.

Our firm is equipped to handle the tough cases, whether that’s domestic violence or divorce. In confidence, these are the areas we’ve successfully aided clients in:
New Jersey law entitles divorcing spouses to an equitable share of all property legally or beneficially acquired during the marriage. Equitable distribution depends on the circumstances of the marriage, and does not necessarily result in a 50-50 split of property. And the fact that title to property is in one spouse's name only is not determinative.
Our firm has experience in handling child custody disputes, including disputes between non-married couples. We have also represented clients in connection with investigations brought by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (formerly knowns as "DYFS").
Palimony is a claim for alimony-like support from a party to a relationship, where the parties were never married. Palimony claims are now restricted by statute in New Jersey, and so you should seek representation if you think you may be entitled to palimony, or are facing such a claim yourself.
Please contact us if you are contemplating entering into such an agreement before marriage. New Jersey law provides that such agreements are enforceable only if they are made with the advice of counsel.
Our firm has experience in domestic violence matters, including representation at the final hearing where the Court decides whether to enter a Final Restraining Order. New Jersey broadly defines "domestic violence" and the term is not limited to acts of physical violence. Please contact us without delay if you need legal counsel in connection with alleged acts of domestic violence.